(A) Historical expenditures prior to 1929 available upon request.
(B) Prior to FY2005, total operating expenditures varied slightly from table to table. Data were taken directly from Yale financial reports and reflected specific year-end accounting adjustments. However, when expenditures were broken down by category or school, those adjustments may not have been accounted for, but they did correctly reflect expenditures from a rational disbursement perspective.
For FY2005 and thereafter, total operating expenditures throughout the tables do agree with the summary reports and reflect year-end accounting adjustments, so data should not vary among the tables. Beginning in FY2000, expenditures are reported net of certain scholarships and fellowships.
1. Data for years 1899 to 2002, Yale University Capital Management, Finance and Administration; for years 2003 - present, Yale University Controllers Office, Financial Reporting and Analysis.
2. Expenditures were calculated in 2023 dollars from 1929 forward using the following source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Income and Product Accounts Tables, Table 1.1.4 (Price Indices for Gross Domestic Product).
Yale University Controller's Office, Financial Reporting and Analysis Statement of Activities, Total Expenses
OIR W089
Finance Operating Expenditures Multi-Year Summary
Last updated: 2/15/2024